Combat coughs, colds and allergies with this natural remedy
Add this essential oil to your natural first-aid box as you will need it more than you think
by Annette J Beveridge
COLDS, coughs, and skin conditions are just some of the ailments that can be treated by this natural remedy but it’s also great for anyone suffering from allergies and in some instances, could be an antibiotic alternative.
Oregano is a fragrant herb found in Mediterranean countries and throughout Europe and in South and Central Asia. It is available fresh, as a dried herb, capsules or it can be purchased as pure essential oil.
Oregano has long been used to help indigestion and as an antiseptic but it is also used as an antifungal treatment due to two key compounds called carvacrol and thymol. It has so many uses and we suggest purchasing oregano pure essential oil and keeping it stored in your natural first-aid box.
It takes approximately 1,000 pounds of the wild oregano plant to produce just one pound of oregano essential oil and the powerful active ingredients are preserved in alcohol.
The leaves of the plants contain many antioxidant compounds including oleanolic acid, phenols, triterpenes, rosmarinic acid, and ursolic acid.
How to use oregano oil
The pure essential oil can be diffused, used in a steam bath, or applied topically. The essential oil should ALWAYS be mixed with a good carrier oil - almond oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil.
Simply mix three drops to a small amount of carrier oil and apply to the area of choice.
Antioxidants are important to help fight harmful free radicals in the body which are unstable atoms that can cause illness and damage the cells of the body. Fortunately, oregano oil is rich in antioxidants.
When the dreaded common cold strikes add a few drops of oregano essential oil to a bowl of boiling water. Lean over the bowl and place a towel over your head. Breathe in the aroma for up to 10 minutes. This will help to drain any mucus in the nasal passages and it will also help to relieve the symptoms of a cold.
You can also inhale directly from the oil as this can help to open up the airways.
If preferred, add a couple of drops of oregano oil to a diffuser and breathe in.
Sore throats
Add a few drops of pure essential oregano oil to a glass of warm water and gargle. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can ease a sore throat and help to combat bacteria present.
Make your own healing rub by adding 5-8 drops of oregano oil to 1-2tsp coconut oil. Rub directly onto the chest to help ease against a respiratory tract infection. The balm can also be used directly onto the soles of the feet.
Oregano essential oil can help to reduce the impact of allergens including pollen that inflame the airways. This is because it contains rosmarinic acid which is a natural antihistamine and carvacrol which is anti-inflammatory.
Use a steam inhalation which will help to loosen any mucus and to open up airways and will relieve allergy symptoms.
It can also be used in a diffuser if preferred. Just add two-three drops of essential oil to a diffuser and breathe in.
Skin conditions
Oregano essential oil can be used to help combat skin conditions such as psoraiasis, acne or eczema.
Add 2-3 tablespoons of good carrier oil to a dish and add 10-15 drops of oregano oil. Mix and apply to the area.
Caution: Do not EVER apply directly to skin. It must be diluted in a carrier oil.
For acne sufferers, add 2-3 drops of oregano essential oil to water. With a cotton wool ball, soak and then dab onto the acne.
Nail fungus
Add 2-3 drops of oregano oil to a good carrier oil. Soak a cotton wool ball in the solution and add to any infected nail. It can also be used on athletes foot conditions. Rub it in and repeat daily.
Make a natural antifungal treatment by adding 3 drops of oregano oil to antifungal powder and then sprinkle onto the feet.
Containing many antioxidants that combat against aging, phenols within the oil help to neutralise harmful free radicals and protect against premature aging.
Add 20 drops of oregano essential oil to 1/4 cup of coconut oil and 1/4 cup of moringa oil. Blend and apply.
Remove warts - dilute drops of oregano essential oil with a carrier oil and add to the wart. Re-apply as necessary.
Mould removal
It can also be used to help cleanse any mould from a room. Simply add up to 7 drops to a natural cleaning solution and you can also use tea tree oil and lavender too.
Alternative to antibiotics
There has long been concern about our overuse and reliance on antibiotics. Taken when not needed, it makes the drugs less effective while also reducing the body’s good bacteria which helps with digestion, and protects against infections.
Oregano is highly beneficial and in protection terms, has been called a ‘broad-spectrum approach’ to health.
Protection against side-effects
In recent years, research indicates that one of the most promising benefits of oregano is to help reduce side-effects from prescribed medications. In research, it has been found to protect from the negative symptoms from a drug commonly used for cancer and arthritis. It is believed that oregano’s anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants are responsible.